Recent research has identified genetic variants that confer a higher risk of having a SCAD, but it is not caused by a single gene in the same way hereditary diseases are. These genetic variants can be likened to the 'hand of cards' we're dealt at birth (our genetic make-up) – each person will have a different combination of many common variants and it is this combination that can increase the risk of having a SCAD.
SCAD and Genetics
Children of SCAD patients will have a different combination, which means the risk of them having a SCAD is very low. It is not currently recommended that other family members have genetic screening unless the SCAD patient has symptoms of other conditions that are hereditary.
Some of the genetic variants are related to the integrity of tissues within the arterial wall and to blood clotting. And there seems to be a genetic risk factor for higher blood pressure in many SCAD patients, so controlling blood pressure is important.
Find out more by watching these videos:
Beat SCAD Conference 2023 (from about 25 minutes)
Dr Adlam explains the findings of the GWAS (Genome Wide Association Study) paper.
Complete our Download form for a summary of the GWAS (Genome Wide Association Study) that discusses the genetic variants.
Click on the links below for information about Recurrence and, for patients who would like to request a referral to a SCAD specialist have a look at the Clinic Referrals page.
Dr Adlam discusses SCAD and genetics (from 22 mins)
Symptoms & Diagnosis...
Around 10% of patients will have more than one SCAD, but research suggests the outcomes are good. Controlling blood pressure and stress is important
SCAD and Genetics
SCAD is not caused by a single gene, but research is starting to uncover genetic risk factors for SCAD
Clinic Referrals
Many patients find it helpful to be referred to a SCAD specialist to discuss treatment and further tests if they are needed